The KoresponDance festival originated from a European project Korespondance Europe, initiated and managed by SE.S.TA., Centre for Choreographic Research.
The project opens in 2009 with a festival in Prague. Four productions fill the Komedie theater. Tomeo Verges (ES) takes the audience from the café to the foyer, with his performers-chickens-Czech masks. Serge Ricci (FR) plunges the foyer into darkness before presenting, in the theater, an epic and chivalrous fresco. Helge Letonja (DK) and Mariko Tanabe (CA) present the premiere of their joint performance, closing the festival with an opportunity for the Czech public to get acquainted with one of the partners of the project.
In 2010 the festival invites to Prague Dominique Boivin. Suzon Holzer and Mariko Tanabe's Franco-Swiss subtle act make generations of fantastic female dancers meet on the La Fabrika stage in Prague.
The year 2011 witnesses the acme of the European project with the festival travelling between Bremen, Paris, Bratislava, Prague and Brno. In the Czech Republic, the festival fills selected theaters and the program features exhibitions, round tables and discussions. Both the performers, who all meet together at the end, and the public, experience intense moments. The program presents four creations produced during the project and Czech and Slovak acts that have developed through the project.
The 2012 edition takes place in Prague, Brno and Jablonec nad Nisou, around one theme: Co-respondences from yesterday till today. The program culminates with Martha Moore's (USA) installation performance and mesmerizing show by Andrea Miltnerova (GB/CZ) and Alban Richard, the rising French star at the Alba theater.
The year 2013 presents a challenge - KoresponDance is the first international professional contemporary dance and motion theater festival organized in the Moravian Highlands, the Vysocina, at Zdar nad Sazavou. It has become a fixed date: July 5th. This first edition gathers 1000 spectators around six Czech, French and English shows. The star turn: Dominique Boivin's (FR) Exceptional Transport which becomes a by-word to the public for the festival. For the town dwellers, the artists have become part of the family: Pierre Nadaud, Halka Tresnakova, Hana Polivkova, Andrea Miltnerova, Jean Gaudin. Local volunteers are hard at work, partnerships are linked – and it is only a start!
The second edition in 2014 in Zdar invites around 1500 spectators. A richer-than-ever international program with activities which involve the local population of all ages. Summer camp for the children, workshops, cycle show through the town, open air events, a performance in and about a garage; a dance-music creation involving professionals, amateurs and children.
2015 - a new challenge. 3 days of festival, 9 international level performances, stemming from Switzerland, France, Spain, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, some involving the local population, a rich parallel and interactive program integrating any willing Zdar inhabitant. Amongst others, the program will present the fantasy and humour of the Forman brothers, with their Obludárium, Dominique Boivin’s LU.MEN, for a hydraulic man lift and three performers, Jordi Gali’s living sculpture Abscisse which come to us from Spain.
2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011