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Foco alAire producciones

Photo courtesy of Foco alAire
Photo courtesy of Foco alAire Photo courtesy of Foco alAire Photo courtesy of Foco alAire Photo courtesy of Foco alAire Photo courtesy of Foco alAire Photo courtesy of Foco alAire Photo courtesy of Foco alAire Photo courtesy of Foco alAire Photo courtesy of Foco alAire

FocoalAireproduccionesis a non-conform Mexican group of multi-genre artists which is co-directed by two distinctive personalities - sociologist, writer and director Marcela Sanchez Motaand OctavioZeivywho has been since 2011 a member of the National Creators System (SNCA) FONCA. Their diverse work reflects their shared passion for visual art, cinematography, photography, music, literature and of course theatre. Marcela, Octavioand the whole company challenge you to be playful, ironic and to doubt yourself as well as others and they express opinion that theory and practice are inseparable, that physical aspects have no meaning without any intellectual content.


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