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Gobi Dance Company

Photo: Piti Marcell
Photo: Piti Marcell Photo: Piti Marcell

Rita Góbiis a dancer and choreographer who ceaselessly examines dance styles and languages. She was born in Serbia, graduated at the dance academy in Budapest and participated in many international  competitions and residence programs, for example the American residence OMI DANCE Residency or residence VARP of the Centre of Choreographic Development SE.S.TA - KoresponDance. At the beginning, Rita cooperated with several Hungarian dance groups and the movie director MiklosJancs. In 2006 she founded the Gobi Dance Company. Rita was awarded many times: AerowavesTwenty18, Pro Futuroat the VeszprémDance Festival and The Prize for the best solo at the Solo Dance Festival in Budapest (OrkestikaFoundation), in 2014 she was nominated for the Elle Young Talent Award, in 2015 she won the Best Dance Performer Award in category Contemporary Hungarian Dance and won the second prize at the 3....2....1....Dance Competition in Krakow. 

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