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Christos Papadopoulos - Leon & the Wolf

Photo: Patroklos Skafidas
Photo: Patroklos Skafidas Photo: Patroklos Skafidas

Christos Papadopoulos, dancer, choreographer, teacher and the founding member of Leon & the Wolf which have attracted in the last two years considerable attention of international producers. He graduated at the Dramatic School of the National Theatre in Greece and at the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam. Christos worked as a choreographer and movement director in theatre production, participated in a team of choreographers who organized the opening ceremony of the European Games in Baku and the opening and closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004 where he also performed the Centaur. Some of his own projects: OPUS (AerowavesTwenty18, PortaTheater 2016, Théâtrede la Ville-DanseElargie2016, Jonkoping, Sweden 2017) and Elvedon(AerowavesTwenty16, PortaTheater, ARC For Dance Festival, 2003).

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