

The entrance to the 1st festival day on June 27 in Prague at the Troja Chateau is free.

Advance booking
One-day festival ticket:420 CZK
Whole festival pass:700 CZK
One-day discount ticket:220 CZK
Whole festival discount pass:360 CZK
Children up to 6 year:free
Whole festival discount family pass (2 adults + 2 children):700 CZK

Online advance ticket sales through GoOut

At the box office
One-day festival ticket:490 CZK
Whole festival pass:790 CZK
One-day discount ticket:260 CZK
Whole festival discount pass:400 CZK
Children up to 6 year:free
Whole festival discount family pass (2 adults + 2 children):790 CZK

Students under the age of 26, seniors 65+, ZTP card holders, ZTP / P and inhabitants of Žďár nad Sázavou are eligible for the preferential festival.

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