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O Último Momento: Une partie de soi


The life story of an acrobat plays out in the environment and atmosphere of the Museum Court courtyard. Expect breathtaking acrobatics without a single touch of the ground and a deep connection with the Chinese pole, which will be the acrobat’s sole apparatus.

Une partie de soi is a vertical journey that tells the story of a life and reveals the human behind the acrobat. In a refined space, reduced to man, pole and circle, João Paulo Santos presents a dense and strong choreography. Moving as if on a treadmill and never touching the ground, José tests his movement apparatus and showcases the Chinese pole in a way rarely seen. Take a seat and let a single body tell you the story of a soul. 

Running time: 35 mins

Suitable for: 4+



Direction, performance: João Paulo Santos

Artistic accomplice: Nathan Israël

Writing support: Elsa Caillat

Support for research and quality of movement: Marie-Anne Michel Music Tiago Cerqueira

Lighting design: Enzo Giordana Distribution Laurine Francois

Administration: Chloé Jolly


The group O Último Momento was created in 2004 by João Paulo Santos and a French musician Guillaume Dutrieux. In the following year they created their first show called "Peut-être". In 2006 they created a performance called "Contigo”, which was also introduced at KoresponDance in 2015. This solo project has been performed more than a hundred times over time across every continent except Antarctica and tours up until today. 




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