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Galit Liss: I’M HERE 1


Sharing their personal stories through movement, mature women from Vysočina have created a performance, led by an Israeli choreographer Galit Liss. Thanks to their personal engagement and openness to share, the project has become an authentic expression of their body.

For the festival in July, also some ladies from Israel, that perform in most of the works of Galit Liss would join and add from their experience to the cultural exchange. 


Concept and choreography: Galit Liss

Assistant choreography: Orit Gross

Devised and performed by: women from Vysočina and Israel

Production and coordination: Alina Feldman, Eva Dryjová

In collaboration with: Senior point Jihlava, Žďár nad Sázavou library, Gila

Running time: 20 min

Suitable for all ages

Venue: Fish Ponds


Galit Liss is an independent Israeli choreographer and teacher. As part of her artistic and social agenda, she creates with mature women who are non-dancers. Her performances have been shown at festivals in Israel and abroad.  She created the "GILA" methodology, a unique practice of working with a mature body, offering a platform of dance through which aging becomes a source of ultimate inspiration and empowerment for self- realization of the aging body. Galit Liss is the founder of the "GILA school of movement and performance art for mature women”.


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