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KoresponDance online

14.–16. 8. 2020

KoresponDance Online offers an exclusive set of nine films featuring the performances invited to KoresponDance 2020. Shot in stunning locations on the estate, the films have been specially prepared for a worldwide audience and some of them can be viewed during the festival itself.

In this complicated year full of changes, uncertainty and suspension, we took the decision to support Czech artists and save this summer's KoresponDance 2020 Festival just as festivals in the Czech Republic and abroad were cancelling or rescheduling for autumn or winter dates. To guarantee that the festival could still take place, even if only online, we began to conceptualise and produce video recordings last spring. The filming took place in May and June 2020, primarily at the Estate in Žďár nad Sázavou, but, in two cases, also in Prague. The filming locations were carefully selected in dialogue with each of the choreographers, cinematographer Toni Laznik and technical director František Fabián. Together, we adapted each performance for the chosen space, managing along the way to reveal areas of the chateau that are not generally accessible to the public. We hope our efforts, along with Šárka Sklenářová’s sensitive editing, have managed to add a touch of mystery to the filmed performances and infused them with some new flavours.

You can watch the films on our Facebook and YouTube channels, on Mall.TV and on the Czech Centres' Facebook account. You can also catch some of them at the chateau during the festival. 

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